Making of Setu by Studio 7.5
Posted on August 13, 2013 by Themethodcase

There’s a height adjustment. That’s it. How refreshing! Setu is such a sophisticated chair that it moves and conforms to your body simply by responding to your weight the moment you sit down. It’s form and function in harmony, elegantly designed for the way we live and work today.
Only what’s needed. Not a molecule more.
Every bend, every corner, and every line of Setu were painstakingly shaped, reshaped, and reshaped again so that each molecule falls in the right order, in the right place. All in the name of less.
From the tip of Setu’s polypropylene Kinematic Spine down to the durable alloy base that offers a beautiful finish without the need for toxic coatings, there isn’t a molecule we haven’t mulled. Honesty in materials is a key component of design at Herman Miller, and Setu firmly holds true to this principle.
The way we interact with other people has evolved. We sit. We stand. We like to move around and switch it up. And in response, the Setu family has evolved, too. The same minimalist design and instant comfort in the original Setu chair is now available in an expanded family of chairs, stools. You can even find Setu tables in the same style. Together, they support the many ways you live and work.
Design Story
The typical chair design story goes like this: Start with an idea for a chair and shape it into the world around you. But, in designing Setu, Studio 7.5 in Berlin let the world around them shape the contours and performance of the Setu chair. It’s inspiration through observation.
Here’s what Studio 7.5 observed. Technology has changed how we work, where we work, and how we move around throughout the day. We tend to work more collaboratively, in a variety of formal and informal settings, spending less time in each. We expect to work anywhere and everywhere, and we need furniture that can do the same.
While technology has changed where we sit and when we sit, it shouldn’t change how we all like to work: in comfort. Sitting, standing, wherever we are.
A simple concept. A complex challenge.
A simple concept. A complex challenge.
Together with Studio 7.5, they combined their design expertise and manufacturing excellence and studied, learned, asked questions, and relearned. The way we work and live is different now. And it takes different thinking to support it. That’s how we created Setu.
From the successes to the stresses, see everything that went into designing Setu, as told by Studio 7.5.
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