
September 23, 2013

Stand Up Architecture by Arjan Klem

Stand Up Architecture
by Arjan Klem
Posted on 05/09/2008 by Arjan Klem
This is the weblog created for the MSc Elective - Stand Up Architecture. There is not an given assignment for this course, but each student has to come up with an research hypothesis and investigate this hypothesis by using computer programs and modelling techniques.
Last tuesday, september 2nd, we met the instructors at the TU Delft Aula and had an introduction to the course. At that time we were encouraged to come up with an research hypothesis, but i didn´t have any ideas at the time. The hours and days following i started searching for things i would like to investigate. The results will be shown on the next blogs.

Facade Optimalisation
The main target of this project a short research to any building technical/architectonic subject.The subject in this case is creating a supporting facade, inspired by a bone structure. The first thing that needed to be done was to determine what aspects of a bone structure are impotant and how these aspects can be transformed to a facade.
A bone consists of material where it needs material and has gaps where it does not need material. This makes bones strong and light while only the necessary material is needed.
To design a facade one has to determine where the loads will be and how large they are. To realise this the computer program DIANA was used in combination with a script. It starts with an solid concrete slab in an imaginary building and after the load is determined the script slowly removes the parts which take the least load. The program optimises the construction and creates a model that shows where you need more material and where you need less.
In the program you can input any concrete facade and this will lead to different results.
The next topic is how to translate the computer output to a design. One option is to delete all the material beneath a certain boundary or another option is to create layers of material which is closer to the computer model.
There is currently no cheap way to create concrete like this, so the computer models can be translated to a real facade.
Here you can download the full report that describes the process and the results:

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